Hidden Disabilities Sunflower Lanyard
Hidden Disabilities Sunflower Lanyard
SHINE for Autism are pleased to announce the introduction of the Hidden Disabilities Sunflower Lanyard Scheme to our community. The sunflower lanyard is aimed at improving the daily lives of individuals with hidden disabilities.
As you may be aware SHINE for Autism have been working hard towards making Millom and the surrounding areas more autism friendly.
As part of this development we have increasingly noticed the use of the Hidden Disabilities Sunflower Lanyard in many airports and supermarkets as a discreet way to indicate to staff and colleagues that the wearer has a hidden disability and may need additional assistance.
SHINE for Autism will supply a sunflower lanyard to any individual (child or adult) with a hidden disability that feels they may benefit from this discreet sign. Collection/drop off available in Millom and surrounding areas.
We are also able to post out if the recipient covers postage cost. If you would like a sunflower lanyard or have any questions, please e-mail shineforautism@hotmail.com or message our facebook page.
If any businesses would like to get involved, all we are asking is that they display one of our posters and make their staff aware that if they see someone wearing a sunflower lanyard that they may need additional support, help or a little more time.
If you would like to support the scheme, please e-mail shineforautism@hotmail.com or message our facebook page and we will deliver a poster to you over the next few days.
Thank you for all your support.