Sensory - Motor Skills
Gross Motor Skill Difficulties
Poor motor coordination, may be clumsy or have unusual posture.
May struggle to judge distance (visual perception) which leads to falls and inability to catch a ball etc.
May struggle to judge their own position in space, find playground difficult to manoeuvre and spill food etc.
May struggle learning to run, ride a bike, climb steps, kick a ball, throw a ball etc.
May have problems with balance, coordination, muscle strength, muscle tone, control of force and pressure.
Activities to Develop Gross Motor Skills
Jumping on space hoppers.
Playing twister.
Heads, shoulders, knees and toes.
Exercise ball.
Bike or trike.
Hopping and skipping.
Balancing on one leg.
Catch bubbles.
Pushing and pulling games.
Fine Motor Skill Difficulties
May struggle with hand strength, grasp, manipulation and hand-eye coordination.
May find it difficult to use pen/pencil.
May hurt to hold pencil due to lack of strength in fingers.
May find it difficult to manipulate buttons, zips, laces and open things.
May have difficulty feeding themselves due to hand-eye coordination and manipulation of cutlery.
Activities to Develop Fine Motor Skills
Finger paint.
Drawing and writing.
Cutting paper.
Twist lids.
Buttons and zippers.
Play instruments.
Tearing paper.