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Sensory - Visual

Visual (Hypersensitive)


May struggle with sensory distortions (lights/objects may jump around).


  1. Keep decorations to a minimum and use pastel colours and avoid bold patterns.

  2. A Colour metric test may be helpful and coloured lenses recommended.

  3. Correct coloured light bulbs may help.


Images may fragment and may only see parts of objects i.e. eyes but not full face.


  1. A Colour metric test may be helpful and coloured lenses recommended.

  2. Correct coloured light bulbs may help.

  3. They may have Irlen Syndrome and lenses/overlays recommended.


May have ‘face blindness’ and may only recognise people by one aspect such as hair or may see things darker, lose features and lines.


  1. It may be helpful to teach compensatory strategies, such as recognising people's voices, walk etc.


May be sensitive to bright lights and sunlight.


  1. Use roller blind, dimmer lights if needed.

  2. Using sunglasses, sun visors, caps or having a hood up may help.

  3. A Colour metric test may be helpful and coloured lenses recommended. 

  4. Correct coloured light bulbs may help.

  5. They may have Irlen Syndrome and lenses/overlays recommended.


May be sensitive to fluorescent lights.


  1. Avoid fluorescent light if appropriate.  If unavoidable, assure they are not flashing or flickering.

  2. A Colour metric test may be helpful and coloured lenses recommended. 

  3. Correct coloured light bulbs may help.

  4. They may have Irlen Syndrome and lenses/overlays recommended.


May be sensitive to certain colours/patterns.


  1. Keep decorations to a minimum and use pastel colours and avoid bold patterns.

  2. Choose places to visit that aren’t crowded or busy.

  3. A Colour metric test may be helpful and coloured lenses recommended. 

  4. Correct coloured light bulbs may help.

  5. They may have Irlen Syndrome and lenses/overlays recommended.


May find light coming in windows distracting.


  1. Seating them at the front or in a corner may help, if appropriate.

  2. Use roller blind, dimmer lights if needed.

  3. Using sunglasses, sun visors, caps or having a hood up may help.


May struggle to sleep due to sensitivity of light.


  1. Correct coloured light bulbs may help.

  2. Blackout blinds may help with sleep.


Visual (Hyposensitive)


Enjoys visual stimulation i.e. patterns, colours, flashing lights.  May enjoy staring at lights or spinning objects.


  1. Give access to multi-coloured lights, spinning toys and mirrors as a reward.

  2. Give access to multi-coloured lights, spinning toys and mirrors as a distraction.

  3. Visual toys may be helpful such as lava lamps, snow globes, coloured beads etc.

  4. Fidget spinners etc may help with concentration.

  5. Decorate rooms with bright colours and lots of decoration.


May enjoy turning lights on and off.


  1. Give access to lamps, torches and light up toys that can be switched on and off as a reward.

  2. Give access to lamps, torches and light up toys that can be switched on and off as a distraction.

  3. Fidget cubes with a switch side may be helpful.


May enjoys shiny reflecting surfaces such as mirrors.


  1. Give access to shiny surfaces and mirrors as a reward.

  2. Give access to shiny surfaces and mirrors as a distraction.


May squint or look with peripheral vision (to the side). Or may have a blurry peripheral vision.


  1. See an Optician to rule out any eye problems.

  2. They may have Irlen Syndrome and lenses/overlays recommended.


May have poor depth perception.


  1. See an Optician to rule out any eye problems.

  2. They may have Irlen Syndrome and lenses/overlays recommended.

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